Sumit Vajarinkar



I'm Sumit Vajarinkar, an engineering student.

I have a keen interest in problem-solving using DSA. I code in C++. Besides programming, I intentionally give my time to my family, friends, reading, traveling, and sometimes for games and music.

I am focused in Web Development domain and showing off my skill through this portfolio. You can check out my projects below. Contact me for collabration.

Bubble Byte Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

Associate Web Development Intern

Sept, 2022 - Present

Programming languages

C/C++, Java, Python

Frontend technologies

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React.JS

Backend technologies

MySQL, Node.JS, Express.JS

Development tools

Git/Github, Windows/Linux


Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Design and Programming, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Database Management and Networking


Developed the Travelogue full-stack MERN web application, where users can signin/signup to add, edit and remove blogs about their trips also anyone can visit experiences of a user travellers.

Github project


We grabbed 1st place in web design event based on Entertainment and Media theme in MindSpark'21 event organized by College of Engineering, Pune

Github project


A website for an environment project where people can donate money for it in donate and also discuss it with their respective people in their area through a real-time chat app.

Github project